Research interests
I am working towards formalizing results about \(Out(F_n)\), with the specific goal of eventually formalizing the proof of the existence and uniqueness of greedy folding paths (due to Bestvina). This is the Outer Space analog of Teichmüller's existence and uniqueness theorem.
In graduate school, my research focused on the dynamics of the mapping class group action on Teichmüller space, and specifically the action of the mapping class groups of non-orientable surfaces. Mapping class groups of non-orientable surfaces have surprisingly different dynamics compared to their orientable counterparts. The dynamics is not so well behaved, and the geodesic flow on the quotient is not recurrent for almost every orbit, with respect to the natual measure. My work focused on understanding the poor behavior, as well as building better measures with respect to which the geodesic flow is better behaved. This has applications in counting simple closed curves on non-orientable surfaces: for orientable surfaces, the simple closed curve counting was solved by Mirzakhani using dynamical techniques as well.
- (PhD thesis) Dynamics on the Moduli Space of Non-Orientable Surfaces. (Link to UMich thesis repository) (abstract)
- Statistical convex-cocompactness for mapping class groups of non-orientable surfaces. (arXiv:2404.11293) (abstract)
- The limit set of non-orientable mapping class groups. (In Journal of Modern Dynamics; arXiv:2110.00037) (abstract)
- Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of punctured non-orientable surfaces with small stretch factor. With Caleb Partin and Becca Winarski. (In Algebraic & Geometric Topology; arXiv:2107.04068) (abstract)
Computer experiments
I also write computer programs to assist in visualization of exotic geometric objects, as well as testing small conjectures. I usually upload my cleaned up code on Github, but if it's a small one-off program, I might not make it public. In case you would like access to the code anyways, let me know, and I will be happy to share it.
Limit set of a non-orientable mapping class group

A part of the limit set of the mapping class group of a non-orientable surface of genus 6 when restricted to a 3-dimensional stratum of projective measured foliations. Unlike in the orientable case, the limit set is not the entire stratum, but rather a nowhere dense measure 0 subset. The Hausdorff dimension of the limit set restricted to a dimension n-stratum is bounded between n-1 and n-2, where the upper bound is sharp. Locally, the limit set is contained in a hyperplane, and the image is a rendering of the limit set when restricted to one such hyperplane.
Resolving intersections of parallel copies of intersecting curves
Given two two-sided curves on a non-orientable surface with positive intersection, we can take m and n parallel copies of the curves and resolve all the intersections in a consistent manner to get a multicurve. This code resolves all the intersection, and counts the number of one-sided and two-sided components of the resulting multicurve. If there are no one-sided components, the program plots the point \((m+m, \frac{m}{m+n})\) on a scatter plot. The fact that the projection to the y-axis is not dense in \([0,1]\) seems to suggest that a convex combination of two minimal foliations that are approximable by two-sided multicurves may not itself be approximable by two-sided multicurves.