Notes on learning Lean (4/?)

Posted: Wed 12 June 2024
Filed under mathematics
Tags: lean

Updates on learning Lean

I have now made it all the way to the end of the metric spaces chapter of the MIL, which means in principle, I should have everything I needed from the book to start the \(Out(F_n)\) project. The last exercise in the section was formalizing a proof that a complete metric space is Baire, a theorem I had not thought about since my undergraduate topology class. Writing down the proof made clear some of the pain points I'm likely to encounter when proving more substantial results.

  1. The simp tactic can only do so much: given a goal of the form \(A \cap f(n) \subseteq B \cap f(n)\), where \(f n\) is an indexed family of sets, and we have amongst our hypotheses \(A \subseteq B\), one would expect simp to easily close the goal. However, it made no progress, and it's unclear whether it was the indexing on the family f that threw it off, or it was something else. In any case, I will have a lot of 'almost' trivial goals like this, that I'd like to close automatically, but I will have to do them manually, or someone will have to write a more clever tactic.
  2. A related pain point is more of an ergonomic one: when diving into proofs of these 'almost' trivial subgoals, I would like to fold their proofs after they're completed, so that they don't clutter the main body of the proof. This would be a fairly simple VS Code plugin, if someone choses to do it. On the other hand, perhaps this is a good thing, encouraging proof/code golfing?
  3. I need a good way to find lemmas related to a specific object: GPT is not doing it any more, since it can really only handle the basic lemmas. The search on Mathlib docs is a little slow, plus there does not seem to be a good way to filter down to lemmas using some sort of semantic search/filtering.

Some more tactics

  • field_simp: As the name suggests, this simplifies terms living in a field to a normal form.
  • linarith can be provided helper lemmas to aid in simplification via linarith [p1, p2, p3].
  • trans: Used to prove goals that are transitive relations. Given a goal s \sim t, trans u will create two subgoals s \sim u and u \sim t.
  • intros: Repeated use of intro until quantifiers in goal are gone.
  • constructor: If the goal is structure with several components, e.g. an AND statement, it will create a goal for each field in the original goal.
  • congr and gcongr: These are congruence tactics, which as far as I understand, are useful when working with group/ring/whatever isomorphisms, and arguments based on applying isomorphisms.
  • aesop: This is a more powerful version of simp, with better proof search algorithms. An example of this is the continuity tactic.
  • choose and choose!: These two tactics essentially convert a complex hypothesis asserting existence of objects satisfying certain properties to functions that construct those objects, and hypotheses that the constructed objects must satisfy.
  • Nat.le_induction and Nat.strong_induction: These are alternate recursors for Nat, which can be used with the induction tactic to start induction at a positive Nat, or do strong induction.

Preparing for the \(\mathrm{Out}(F_n)\) project

The first step, before actually writing any code, would be to figure out what's already in mathlib that I will need.

  • Groups with presentations: Presented group
  • Metric spaces and covering spaces, specifically graphs: Metric spaces
  • Group actions on metric spaces via isometries: Group actions by isometries
  • Gromov hyperbolic groups and spaces: Search on Google and Zulip doesn't turn up much, but asking people in the community might help point to some Github repo that has bits of these implemented.
  • PL structures: Unclear if this will be helpful in defining a PL structure on Outer Space.

Organizing code

On typeclass inference

  • The syntax [Group G] (or similar), isn't exactly a typeclass constraint as much as it is an implicit typeclass argument. The difference between this and implicit arguments of the form {...} is that in the [...] case, it uses a typeclass resolution algorithm to find the right instance, but it can possibly be provided a custom instance if the right instance is not found.

Notes on learning Lean (3/?)

Posted: Thu 09 May 2024
Filed under mathematics
Tags: lean

Now that I'm done writing and defending my thesis (and submitting the associated paper to a journal), I can dive back into Lean full time (for the next few months at least). I just wrapped up Chapter 5 of MIL, and the final theorem of the chapter, namely the fact …

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Notes on learning Lean (2/?)

Posted: Mon 26 February 2024
Filed under mathematics
Tags: lean

On how Lean gave me the hypotheses I needed to prove a correct theorem

Working my way through Mathematics in Lean, I came across an exercise that required proving the standard monomial summation identities, e.g. \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} i = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}\), and \(\sum_{i=1 …

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Notes on learning Lean (1/?)

Posted: Tue 13 February 2024
Filed under mathematics
Tags: lean

Now that I am almost done with my dissertation, I have decided to switch focus and concentrate on doing math that can be formally checked by the Lean Theorem Prover. The ideal sub-field of math for me to start formalizing would be Teichüller theory, and results on mapping class groups …

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Writing a Pandoc filter to convert Org to Things

Posted: Tue 16 August 2022
Filed under Haskell
Tags: haskell pandoc emacs

I have of late begun using Things as a planner app on my mobile devices, to supplement the usage of Orgmode on my computers. Ideally I would have liked to use an Orgmode based app on my mobile devices, and beorg seemed like a fairly good choice. However, I wanted …

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On why I use Emacs to write TeX

Posted: Sat 17 October 2020
Filed under Emacs
Tags: emacs LaTeX

An observation I made a while ago while peeking over people's shoulders (with their consent, of course) is that even when they're writing TeX in a powerful text editor, like Emacs or Vim, most people don't really harness the extensive programmability of their text editor (especially MM1). For instance …

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